ESU1 is an official sales partner and after-sales service centre of HORIBA products.
Here are a selection of the monitors we offer:

Ambient MCERTs NOx Monitor
The APNA-370 continuously monitors atmospheric NO, NO2 and NOx concentrations using a cross-flow modulated semi decompression chemiluminescence method. The APNA-370 employs an independent, internal dry-method sampling device to achieve the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy. The dry method – due to its minimal maintenance requirements, continuous monitoring and instantaneous analysis of gas in its unaltered state – has been a preferred method for monitoring atmospheric pollution.

Ambient THC Monitor
The APHA-370 continuously monitors atmospheric THC, NMHC and CH4 concentrations, using a cross-flow, modulated, selective combustion-type method, combined with hydrogen ion detection. The APHA-370 employs an independent, internal dry-method sampling device to achieve the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy.

Ambient MCERTs Sulfur Dioxide Monitor
The APSA-370 is a device for the continuous monitoring of atmospheric SO2 using UV fluorescence. The APSA-370 employs a proprietary, internal dry-method sampling device to achieve the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy. The dry method – due to its minimal maintenance requirements capability of continuous monitoring and instantaneous analysis of gas in its unaltered state – has been a preferred method for monitoring atmospheric pollution.

Ambient MCERTs Ozone Monitor
The APOA-370 continuously monitors atmospheric ozone concentrations using a cross flow modulated ultraviolet absorption method. It employs an independent, internal dry-method sampling device to achieve the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy. The dry method – due to its minimal maintenance requirements and capability of continuously monitoring and instantaneously analysing gases in their unaltered state – has been a preferred method for monitoring atmospheric pollution.
Ambient Dust Monitor
Particulate matter contaminates our atmosphere in various ways. It can for instance be generated by different industrial production processes, waste combustion, coal mining or automobile exhausts. The APDA-371 automatically measures and records airborne particulate concentration levels (in milligrams or micrograms per cubic meter), using the industry-proven principle of beta ray attenuation. Each hour, a small carbon-14 element emits a constant source of high-energy electrons (known as beta rays) through a spot of clean filter tape. These beta rays are detected and counted by a sensitive scintillation detector to determine a zero reading. The APDA-371 automatically advances this spot of tape to the sample nozzle, where a vacuum pump then pulls a measured and controlled amount of dust-loaded air through the filter tape. Hourly this dirty spot is placed back between the beta source and the detector thereby causing an attenuation of the beta ray signal which is used to determine the mass of the particulate matter on the filter tape.
The APDA-371 Air Pollution Dust Analyzer for Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) ensures long term stability and self-diagnostic capabilities, as well as efficient collection of fluorine resin tape. The measurement principle operates according to EU and EPA regulations and is also type approved by TueV.

Ambient Dust Monitor
The APDA-372 dust monitor is specifically designed for indoor and outdoor air quality measurements and provides continuous and simultaneous measurements of PM1; PM2.5; respirable fractions (PM4); thoracic fractions (PM10); inhalable fractions (TSP); the particle number; and (upon request) the particle size distribution in 32 size classes per decade within the particle size range of 0.18 – 18 µm. The APDA-372 uses the recognized measurement technology of optical light scattering and is equipped with a white LED light source with highly stable output and long lifetime. The system is also equipped with a filter holder for the insertion of an absolute filter (47 or 50 mm in diameter). This enables the user to perform on-site gravimetric correlation or subsequent analysis of the composition of the aerosol. The APDA-372 can be connected to an isokinetic sampling probe that measures emissions in exhaust air ducts. The volume flow is 5 L/min. The APDA-372 is additionally equipped with sensors for measuring environmental conditions, such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, and relative humidity.

Clarity Node-S
Air Quality Monitor - Solar
Clarity’s flagship particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) monitor is self-powered, FCC/CE certified, UV-resistant, and weatherproof.
A truly self-sufficient IoT air quality monitoring system with solar harvesting, internal battery, and global cellular communications, the Clarity Node-S accommodates site-specific requirements according to the customer’s needs, not the other way around. In fact, we’re so confident in the Node-S’s ability to amaze, our solution comes with free hardware replacements.

Osiris is a general-purpose instrument which can be used portably or deployed in a semi-permanent installation.
Fitted into a Turnkey Lamp Post Box, Osiris can be quickly deployed to study short or long-term pollution hotspots in towns and cities and determine swiftly the areas exceeding limits.
Osiris will continuously indicate the concentration of TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 particles with a resolution of 0.1 micrograms per cubic metre. In its workplace mode, it will indicate inhalable, thoracic and respirable concentrations. Osiris has achieved the Environment Agency’s MCERTS certification, ensuring its accuracy in recording data.
An internet-based server is available for Osiris, providing a web interface, camera capability and internet communication, meaning you can monitor readings in real time.
Cabinets and Furniture
At ESU1, we design, manufacture and install a range of cabinets and enclosures. These include a static ‘BT box’-style unit and large ‘container’ walk-in versions. We also have mobile enclosures for spot monitoring or air-quality management area consultation studies. You can also choose from a range of cabinets and monitoring equipment for short/long-term hire. In addition, we offer a variety of cabinet refurbishment options for your existing enclosure, including:
- Vandal cages
- Air conditioner upgrade
- Remedial repairs
- Plinth installation and repair
- Certified electrical testing